Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Love Lurking - A Semitic Phenomena?

Love lurking refers to feigning love with concealed intentions.  The phenomena is unique to Semitic religions  and prominently manifests in Christianity and Islam.  The evangelical terms for love lurking is either called flirt fishing and love bombing. The Jihadi term for love lurking is known as love jihad.
An evangelical organization named Children of God initiated its female members into an evangelical activity named flirty fishing (FFing). In this activity, the missionary organization published several documents with exact instructions to use flirting to convert men of other religions.  Flirty Fishing was defined as using sex appeal for proselytizing. If flirting included masturbation, oral, or penetrative sex, the women was considered as a deep witness drawing more respect among the group was loving sexually for the Gods sake. FFing did not include intercourse, but allowing intercourse was the most efficient method of proselytizing. The activity was started in 1974 officially and ended in 1987 till the fear of AIDS swept the globe.  According to 1988 statistic, more than two and half lakh men were converted through fishing. The offspring from the pregnancies due to FFing are called as Jesus babies. Presently, the organization is named as Family international. 

Members of the Unification Church of the United States coined a term called Love bombing in an attempt to influence a person by demonstrations of attention and affection. Typically the love is feigned and the practice is psychological manipulation in order to create a feeling of unity within the group against a society perceived as hostile.

Jihadi Muslims across the globe are initiating systematic sustained violence to annihilate non-Muslim men and appropriate non-Muslim women and children. Celibacy is not recommended and multiple marriages are allowed in Islam. When the Muslims are in minority and when the Islamic rule is not present, Jihadi approach replaces the violence completely or partially by Love lurking termed as Love Jihad by affected Christians.

In Love Jihad, Jihadi Muslim community encourages the Muslim boys to pursue non-Muslim girls. Not restricted by celibate rules of the religion, Muslim boys pursue non-Muslim girls diligently and freely.  Non-Muslim girls lean more towards attention paying Muslim boys in comparison to reserved boys from their own community.  Muslim boys pursues the girls till the marriage and then initiates the conversion to Islam with near 100% success.